Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mammal 4

When i was walking through the woods to collect some fire wood, i found this guy. It has a head-body length of 42-50 cm and a tail length of 50-60 cm. The total mature length (including tail) is approximately 93 to 110 cm. Adult body mass is typically around 4 kg. The dorsal pelage and tail are white, with maroon patches on the chest and portions of the limbs. The coat is generally dense. Its face is bare and black except for a distinctive patch of white fur along the bridge of the nose. Its naked ears are also black, and its eyes are yellow or orange
Coquerel's Sifaka has an herbivorous diet that varies by season. In the wet season, it eats immature leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, and dead wood. In the dry season, it eats mature leaves and buds. It may browse nearly 100 different plant species, but the majority of its feeding time will be concentrated on about 10% of these.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mammal 3

This is a grey mouse lemur, I found this little guy chill in up in the tops of a tree. Where he lives. Mouse lemurs are omnivorous, favoring fruit and insects for the bulk of their diet. The Gray Mouse Lemur may even come down to the ground to catch insect prey, although it will quickly return to the protective cover of the understory to consume its catch. Nectar is also a part of the Gray Mouse Lemur's diet, making it a potential pollinator for local plant species.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mammal 2

When i was gathering wood for a fire, i found this odd little fella. Its called a Malagasy Giant Rat.
Come to find out this is an endangered species, due to habitat loss and the small area where it can live. it eats small berries and bugs.

mammal 1

As i was walkin through the jungles of madagascar, i stumbled across a weird looking animal.
Come to find out that its called a aye-aye. This animal as a long thin middlefinger for the same role as a wood pecker, to get bugs out of trees. this is also how it gets its food.  It usually sticks to foraging in its own personal home range, or territory.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


For my transportation I choose a boat sports car, which can go on water and land. It gets about ten miles a day. It's made of wood.the ride was very bumpy and uncomfortable. The worst part was trailing across Africa in the heat.
